RHIZOMAT (French Version)

  • Artist: Mona el Gammal
  • Release year: 2017
  • Running time: 00:12:35
Rent via PayPal: 3€


The 360° movie “RHIZOMAT VR” extends the Narrative Space “RHIZOMAT”, built by the artist Mona el Gammal, from physical into digital space. In the world of “RHIZOMAT VR”, the Institut für Methode (IFM), a global private company, has replaced the state and suppresses and monitors people with the promise of security and stability, down to the minutest areas of their life. The underground group Rhizomat, whose members push ahead in research into an alternative social order in individual cells, as well as organising practical resistance, rebels against the totalitarian IFM. Rhizomat has set itself the task of snatching those whose free will has not been completely extinguished from the dictatorial system. The regular mind control tests by the IFM are used by Rhizomat to set up alliances. Between dystopia and utopia, obedience and freedom, a struggle develops for each individual. Director, Scenography, Script & Concept: Mona el Gammal Executive & Creative Producer: Sönke Kirchhof With: Rike Will (Ivo Solar), Sascha Sommer (Shevek Puts)
 Original voices: Gil Webster, Peter Feltham, Julia Whitham, Richard Doust, Ella Perrin, Amina Nouns Associate producers: Simon Ofenloch (ZDF/ARTE), Kay Meseberg (ARTE360/ARTE G.E.I.E.), Annina Zwettler (ARTE Deutschland), Jochen Werner (Berliner Festspiele) INVR.SPACE in co-production with 
Berliner Festspiele/Immersion and
ZDF/ARTE, Supported by Fraunhofer HHI "RHIZOMAT VR“ is based on a Narrative Space by Mona el Gammal. Production Narrative Space: Dana Georgiadis
Hosted by Berliner Festspiele/Immersion
. The Narrative Space was supported by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung

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